10:24 am, Thursday, August 28 Good luck, Audrey! hope you do well in you PSLE! Hanis P.S: im at school now... hehe 1:08 pm, Sunday, August 24 HELLOWWWW!! so long havent post alreadyyy this blog is like so freakin deaddd so im trying to make it alive MELMEL !! WHEN YOU WANNA .GO BUY AILEEN. PRESSIE??? LEENLEEN WAD YOU WANT FOR YOUR BDAY??? im typing crap yipeee im typing crap yipee lalalala BORINGGG byebye samantha♥☻☺♦♣♠○◘• 1:08 pm, HELLOWWWW!! so long havent post alreadyyy this blog is like so frekin deaddd 2:17 pm, Tuesday, August 19 hi i'm clarice. nobody has posted for a really long time. oh, yeah. aileen's b'day is coming up so we plan to make a cotrk board thingy for her. so please vote and give your what ever views in the tagboard. thanks. :D 1. Flat thumbtacks or the ones that jut out? (please type *flat thumbtacks* or *pop thumbtacks* in the cbox. please state your name. choose wisely!) 2. Should we put nice paper for the back ground of the corkboard? (please type *q2no* if u don't think so or *q2yes* if u think so. please state your name. choose wisely!) 3. this does not concern aileen's b'day. just vote which blogskin u thing is nicer. :D http://www.blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=101629&action=Preview or http://www.blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=125882&action=Preview (please type *q311* for the first one or *q322* for the second one. thx!) yes, so that's about it. thanks for your views! and good luck to janice, clarice, aileen and audrey for thir examinations. bye! :D |