2:17 pm, Tuesday, August 19 hi i'm clarice. nobody has posted for a really long time. oh, yeah. aileen's b'day is coming up so we plan to make a cotrk board thingy for her. so please vote and give your what ever views in the tagboard. thanks. :D 1. Flat thumbtacks or the ones that jut out? (please type *flat thumbtacks* or *pop thumbtacks* in the cbox. please state your name. choose wisely!) 2. Should we put nice paper for the back ground of the corkboard? (please type *q2no* if u don't think so or *q2yes* if u think so. please state your name. choose wisely!) 3. this does not concern aileen's b'day. just vote which blogskin u thing is nicer. :D http://www.blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=101629&action=Preview or http://www.blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=125882&action=Preview (please type *q311* for the first one or *q322* for the second one. thx!) yes, so that's about it. thanks for your views! and good luck to janice, clarice, aileen and audrey for thir examinations. bye! :D |