3:58 pm, Friday, October 23 Hello,... Weird People of JLB.! Haha,.] Im so like freakingly bored that i've decided to POST!/ postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost postpostpost HAHA. that was fun. :} andand tomorrow is like Charmaine's bday. andand tomorrow, LeminHo is also coming coming coming to town. comin comin comin to th lil red dot. so YIPEEHIPEE !!!! Exclamation Mark! im so freakingly bored. wait... i think i've said that already. BUT whateverrrrr......... RC cant even darn load cause its under some dumb maintainence STUPID! and my dumb Sony Erricson phone just died. My point is.... SE SUCKS BALLS.! haha. jk NOT! byebyE, SAMANTHA♥ |